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Results for "author_first: "Mary C.", author_last: "Earle", latest_content: 1"
Marvelously Made Mary C. Earle on giving your body the loving look of the contemplative life.
Celtic Christian Spirituality Celtic Christian Thomas Jones on a bird's impromptu sermon.
Celtic Christian Spirituality A wonderful resource filled with wisdom from Celtic Christians.
The Desert Mothers Challenges us to learn from the wisdom and spiritual practices of the fourth century desert mothers.
Oratio For The Body Giving thanks for your physical self.
Intercessory Prayers and Your Medicines Say prayers for all those who may be taking the same medicines as you.
Lectio Divina with Medicines Bringing your prescriptions into your prayers.
Broken Body, Healing Spirit Mary C. Earle on reading the text and finding meaning in a story of illness.
Julian of Norwich Julian of Norwich on how we are joined in love with God forever.
Beginning Again An inspiring and uplifting spiritual classic that enables those suffering with chronic or progressive illnesses to reframe their situation and see it as providing the groundwork for a new rule of life…